Wednesday 24 July 2013

Alfie Gets in First by Shirley Hughes

"We don't close the door, do we?"

Alfie shuts the door with his Mummy and little sister Annie Rose still outside. Too upset and too little to open the door, Alfie's friends from his street come to help. The children enjoy the problem solving aspect to this story (how will Mummy get in? how can Alfie open the door if he can't reach?) and discuss what they would do in the same situation.

Children at Irene and Anna's house: Don't open the door yourself unless a grown-up you know gives you permission! Would you like to borrow this book? Leave a comment for us! Remember not to use your real name, but your funny name instead!


  1. Rhinos don't eat pancakes from dappled horse

  2. Okay, dappled horse, I'll get it for you! Meet you in the other room! From Anna x x
